How to Maintain a Concrete Parking Lot

If you’re wondering how to keep your concrete parking lot looking new and shiny, you have come to the right place. Read on for tips on cleaning, applying sealant, and resurfacing, as well as the costs involved. A well-maintained parking lot will look beautiful for years to come. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be a daunting task. Follow these simple steps to keep your parking lot looking its best.


If you own a business and want to keep your customers safe, cleaning your concrete parking lot is an important step. Parking lots can be dangerous because they cannot disguise the signs of wear and tear. The surface can also harbor a variety of dangerous substances. To avoid further problems, consider hiring a specialized cleaning service. Here are a few things to keep in mind when cleaning your parking lot. Listed below are the top 5 tips for concrete parking lot cleaning.

Oil spots are another common problem in a parking lot. Since cars tend to stay in one spot, they will accumulate grease and oil. Use kitty litter to soak up the spill and sweep it away. If that doesn’t work, you can also try applying a commercial degreaser. The product should be used in conjunction with hot water. If the stains are too tough to remove with kitty litter, you can try pressure washing the surface.


Sealants for concrete parking lots come in a variety of different types and colors. These types of treatments work by absorbing water into the concrete, creating a barrier against chlorides and water, and reducing freeze-thaw damage. Unlike penetrating sealants, however, these treatments do not create a vapor barrier and must be reapplied periodically. For these reasons, thorough research of the different types of sealants is necessary before choosing one for your property.

The best sealants should be penetrating, which means that they should penetrate through the pores on the surface of the concrete to provide a deeper level of protection. RadonSeal Standard should only be used on parking garages that are relatively new and in good shape. The correct temperature for application is 35°F or above. The concrete should be dry for at least 72 hours before applying the sealant to ensure maximum protection.


One of the most cost-effective ways to improve the aesthetics of a parking lot is by resurfacing. The process begins with the removal of minor imperfections and the repair of larger problems. If necessary, potholes and large cracks must be filled before the process can proceed. Once the filler is dry, the surface can be prepared for striping and marking. A professional resurfacing company can show you how to determine the extent of any problem areas before the resurfacing process begins.

If you are resurfacing an existing concrete parking lot, a good way to ensure success is to thoroughly clean the area to be resurfaced. Clean the area of any soil or flaking concrete. Inspect the area for large cracks and remove any uncovered concrete. Next, mix the resurfacing compound with water in a bucket, ensuring that it is a medium consistency. You can also purchase Polymer-Modified Cement from a home improvement store.

Maintenance costs

There are many costs associated with maintaining a concrete parking lot. These include cleaning oil spills and sealing cracks. In addition, these parking lots are exposed to harsh weather conditions, including freezing and thawing. The more freeze/thaw cycles your parking lot experiences, the more likely it is to crack. Concrete parking lots require routine maintenance in order to stay in good shape. Listed below are some of the common maintenance tasks.

Prep work and installation can impact the costs of a concrete parking lot. Lot prep work is important for any new concrete installation. The costs of this work can vary widely depending on the company you choose. The cost of the materials and labor can vary widely between contractors. In some cases, it can even be cheaper to have the lot installed by a construction company than to hire a contractor to grade and lay concrete. For commercial concrete services, you can contact Detroit Concrete Co at (313) 513-6840.